Travel Insurance Plan

Travel Insurance is designed to fulfill your traveling needs and to make your journey stress free due to any unforeseen event ; Providing unmatched coverage against travelling inconveniences whether you are travelling for business or leisure. Partnering with the world-renowned International SOS, we are just a call away to help in gaining health care services at your destination. Besides medical assistance, our customer care services also excel in providing concierge, travel, cash emergency and a wide range of hotline services, with the facility of direct settlement of medical claims in the Schengen States.

International Travel Insurance Plan Excluding USA-UK-CANADA & Worldwide + Schengen States

Duration upto Excluding: USA-UK-Canada&Worldwide Schengen States
Secure Delight Secure Plus Care Schengen Active
Individual Family Individual Family Individual Family Individual Family
7 Days 2,750 4,200 1,350 2,100 750 1,500 1,600 2,650
10 Days 3,400 5,500 1,700 2,750 850 2,200 2,150 2,950
15 Days 4,750 7,050 2,400 3,550 1,300 2,550 2,300 3,100
21 Days 6,400 9,800 3,200 4,900 1,700 3,400 2,900 4,300
31 Days 7,150 11,900 3,550 5,950 2,150 4,300 3,500 5,150
62 Days 13,750 18,150 6,900 9,100 4,200 8,500 4,950 6,400
92 Days 18,300 23,650 9,150 14,700 5,750 12,100 5,800 7,700
122 Days 24,850 29,150 12,400 18,950 7,350 15,150 7,350 8,750
152 Days 31,900 35,100 15,950 21,050 9,100 18,900 8,400 9,400
180 Days 36,750 41,050 18,400 24,650 10,950 22,700 9,500 10,950
Annual Multi-Trip 16,200 28,080 13,500 23,350 9,750 14,050 13,000 17,850
Senior Age Extension for those aged 65-85 100% increase N/A 100% increase N/A 100% increase N/A 100% increase N/A

Description of Cover Secure Delight Secure Plus Care Schengen Active
Section 1 - Medical Benefits
Emergency Medical Expenses - Accident & Sickness $50,000 $25,000 $10,000 € 30,000
Emergency Dental Care $300 $200 - € 250
Deductible on Emergency Medical & Dental Care Expense $100 $100 $100 € 100
Emergency Medical Evacuation Included Included Included Included
Compassionate Visit - - - -
Repatriation of Mortal Remains Included Included Included Included
Return of Dependent Child Included Included Included -
Delivery of Medicines Included Included Included Included
24/7 Worldwide Assistance Services Included Included Included Included
Section 2 - Personal Accident Benefits
Accidental Death $4,500 $1,500 $1,000 € 2,500
Accidental Death (Common Carrier) $4,500 $1,500 - €2,500
Permanent Total Disability As per Compensation Table Limits in Policy Wording
Section 3 - Travel Inconvenience Benefits
Baggage Loss - Checked In (Limit of 10% per item) $500 $300 $200 -
Baggage Delay - Checked In (Excess First 8 Hours) $75 $60 $50 -
Flight Delay (Excess First 12 Hours) $200 $150 $100 -
Passport Loss (Excess $25 EEL) $200 $150 $100 -
Credit Card Loss - Cash Advance $300 $200 - -
Trip Cancellation & Curtailment $300 $200 - -
Personal Liability (Excess $1,000 for TPPD) $5,000 $3,000 $2,000 -


  • Secure Delight, Secure Plus & Care Plans is not applicable for "USA-UK-Canada&Worldwide".
  • Schengen Active Plan is exclusively for Schengen Countries and do fulfill the minimum requirement of €30,000 of Emergency Medical expense, Evacuation & Repatriation of Mortal Remains.
  • Maximum 90 days per trip is covered in annual multi trip plans of Secure Delight & Schengen Active
  • Maximum 60 days per trip is covered in annual multi trip plans of Secure Plus & Care.
  • Family policy includes insured person & spouse aged up to 65 year and unlimited children aged 6 months to 18 years.
  • Travel insurance policy is only valid when the insured’s departure is from Pakistan on or after the policy start date.
  • Medical treatment related to any pre-existing condition, fall under exclusion and is not covered.
  • Premium amounts are inclusive of all applicable taxes and stamp duty.
  • For Detailed Policy wording please visit http://www.adamjeeinsurance.com/pak/download_center.php

International Travel Insurance Plan USA-UK-CANADA & Worldwide

Duration upto USA-UK-Canada&Worldwide USA-UK-Canada
Secure Supreme Secure Advance Economy
Individual Family Individual Family Individual Family
7 Days 4,100 6,300 2,000 3,200 1,100 2,300
10 Days 5,100 8,300 2,600 4,100 1,300 3,300
15 Days 7,100 10,600 3,600 5,300 2,000 3,800
21 Days 9,600 14,700 4,800 7,400 2,600 5,100
31 Days 10,700 17,900 5,300 8,900 3,200 6,500
62 Days 20,600 27,300 10,400 13,700 63,00 12,800
92 Days 27,500 35,500 13,700 22,100 8,600 18,200
122 Days 37,300 43,800 18,600 28,400 11,000 22,700
152 Days 47,900 52,700 23,900 31,600 13,700 28,400
180 Days 55,100 61,600 27,600 37,000 16,400 34,100
Annual Multi-Trip 24,300 42,100 20,300 35,000 14,600 21,100
Senior Age Extension for those aged 65-85 100% increase N/A 100% increase N/A 100% increase N/A
Description of Cover Secure Supreme Secure Advance Economy
Section 1 - Medical Benefits
Emergency Medical Expenses - Accident & Sickness $50,000 $25,000 $10,000
Emergency Dental Care $300 $200 -
Deductible on Emergency Medical & Dental Care Expense $100 $100 $100
Emergency Medical Evacuation Included Included Included
Compassionate Visit - - -
Repatriation of Mortal Remains Included Included Included
Return of Dependent Child Included Included Included
Delivery of Medicines Included Included Included
24/7 Worldwide Assistance Services Included Included Included
Section 2 - Personal Accident Benefits
Accidental Death $4,500 $1,500 $1,000
Accidental Death (Common Carrier) $4,500 $1,500 -
Permanent Total Disability As per Compensation Table Limits in Policy Wording
Section 3 - Travel Inconvenience Benefits
Baggage Loss - Checked In (Limit of 10% per item) $500 $300 $200
Baggage Delay - Checked In (Excess First 8 Hours) $75 $60 $50
Flight Delay (Excess First 12 Hours) $200 $150 $100
Passport Loss (Excess $25 EEL) $200 $150 $100
Credit Card Loss - Cash Advance $300 $200 -
Trip Cancellation & Curtailment $300 $200 -
Personal Liability (Excess $1,000 for TPPD) $5,000 $3,000 $2,000

Added Conditions:

  • Secure Supreme Plans is applicable for "USA-UK-Canada&Worldwide".
  • Secure Advance & Economy Plans is only applicable for "USA-UK-Canada".
  • Maximum 90 days per trip is covered in annual multi trip plans of Secure Supreme.
  • Maximum 60 days per trip is covered in annual multi trip plans of Secure Advance & Economy.
  • Family policy includes insured person & spouse aged up to 65 year and unlimited children aged 6 months to 18 years.
  • Travel insurance policy is only valid when the insured’s departure is from Pakistan on or after the policy start date.
  • Medical treatment related to any pre-existing condition, fall under exclusion and is not covered.
  • Premium amounts are inclusive of all applicable taxes and stamp duty.
  • For Detailed Policy wording please visit http://www.adamjeeinsurance.com/pak/download_center.php

Student Travel Insurance Plan

Premium Table (Amount in PKR Without Tuition Fee)
DURATION Student Bliss Student Delight Student Basic
SIX MONTHS 27,500 14,300 9,500
ONE YEAR (Straight) 52,800 33,600 19,600
Premium Table (Amount in PKR With Tuition Fee-Optional Cover)
DURATION Student Bliss Student Delight Student Basic
SIX MONTHS 33,000 19,800 14,000
ONE YEAR (Straight) 59,400 38,500 25,200

Benefits & Sum Insured Table
Description of Cover Student Bliss Student Delight Student Basic
Section 1 - Medical Benefits
Emergency Medical Expense-Sickness or Accident $100,000 $50,000 €30,000
Emergency Dental Care $500 $300 €150
Deductible on Medical & Dental $100 $100 $100
Emergency Medical Evacuation Actual Actual Actual
Repatriation of Mortal Remains Actual Actual Actual
24/7 Worldwide Assistance Service Include Include Include
Section 2 - Personal Accident Benefits
Accidental Death $10,000 $5,000 € 3,000
Accidental Death (Common Carrier) $10,000 $5,000 € 3,000
Permanent Total Disability As per Compensation Table
Section 3 - Travel Inconvenience Benefits
Baggage Loss- Checked In (Limit 10% Per Item) $300 $150 € 100
Passport Loss $200 $100 € 50
Tuition Fee (Optional Cover) * $30,000 $20,000 € 10,000
  • This product is underwritten by Adamjee General Insurance. It is not guaranteed or insured by “Bank” or its affiliates and is not a product of the Bank.
  • Adamjee General Student Travel Plan applications are processed and approved by Adamjee General Insurance, as per their underwriting guidelines. MCB is not responsible for the processing and approval of these applications in any way, whatsoever.
  • This brochure only provides an introduction to the benefits available under the policy. A detailed description of how the contract works is given in the ‘Terms and Conditions’, which will be provided after the customer avails the service.
  • The Bank is acting as a corporate insurance agent of Adamjee General Insurance which underwrites the policy and the Bank shall not be held responsible for any liability under the policy in any manner whatsoever to the policyholder(s) or claimant(s).
  • Student Basic Plan is exclusively for Schengen Countries and do fulfill the minimum requirement of €30,000 of Emergency
  • Medical expense, Evacuation & Repatriation of Mortal Remains.
  • Student Bliss & Student Delight Plans are applicable for Schengen Countries & Worldwide.
  • Optional cover of Tuition Fee is only applicable "With Tuition Fee Cover" plans. *
  • Emergency Medical Expenses are limited to hospitalization only.
  • Medical treatment related to any Pre-existing condition, cancer or pregnancy fall under exclusion and is not covered.
  • This Travel Insurance Policy is only valid when the insured’s departure is from Pakistan on or after the policy start date.
  • Premium amounts are inclusive of all applicable taxes and stamp duty.
  • For Detailed Policy wording please visit: https://www.adamjeeinsurance.com/pak/download_center.php

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