
We know that trying to convince the masses to convert to a mobile payments lifestyle at this early stage is counterproductive. Therefore, we have especially constructed, designed and architected our payments solution for the early adopters, the innovators and the digitally savvy i.e. YOU.

You like to live life on your own terms:

You have no time or patience for standing in queues, filling forms and listing personal credentials every time you want something done. You dont fancy doing someone elses work and following someone elses clock in terms of when, where and how payments can be made or banking conducted

You are responsible and family oriented

You like to keep your promises, and honor your commitments. Above all, you value and cherish the time spent with family, friends and loved ones and you are always on the look out to subtract non-productive and unnecessary activities from your life.

You are digitally savvy

You are already in the habit of using technology to achieve what is important to you in life. You own smart phones, use text and email communication extensively, surf the internet and are active on social media. You use these devices and innovations in unique and individual ways to improve your life and the lives of people around you.

You are an optimist at heart

You are hopeful and positive about the future and want to play an active role in not only improving, but actually making it. You are not comfortable being an aloof bystander as the world changes around you. Instead, you have a deep desire to be at the cutting edge and actively driving and spreading the new.

You are a discerning consumer

Before you decide to buy a product, a service or adopt a new lifestyle or a cause, you must first run extensive research on the consumption in question and it must first agree with you on multiple levels. Price, design, lifetime value, social impact, underlining intention, ecological footprint, be Pakistani, buy Pakistani and what the organization stands for are just some of the factors that you consider before deciding to own something or affixing your approval stamp on anything new.

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